Steven Yung is market-development manager for Web services/XML development at Sun Microsystems.
Would you expect him to answer "No"?
Source: Steven Yung, Sun Microsystems, for Optimize Magazine, April 2002
Clay Shirky is author of the forthcoming research report "Planning for Web Services: Obstacles and Opportunities," from O'Reilly & Associates.
And he disagrees with the previous author. He thinks that Web Services are a good idea, but many things will slow the adoption of the concept.
Source: Clay Shirky, author and consultant, for Optimize Magazine, April 2002
While some people exchange ideas about Web services, the "Web Services Interoperability Organization" (WS-I) group is gaining 50 new members.
The number of companies belonging to the WS-I group now exceeds 100.
But Sun Microsystems still is not part of WS-I. Sun wants a founder status. Some of the founders, like Microsoft, IBM, Oracle or Intel don't want to give Sun such a position. I guess we'll read more on this in the weeks to come.
Source: Wylie Wong, CNET, Apr. 18, 2002
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