Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

lundi 8 avril 2002

Many servers are using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology to protect their customers. A study conducted by Netcraft concludes that only 18% of these sites are really secure.

The key for this *un*security: some sites are using long "encryption public keys" (1024 bits long) while others use shorter keys.

And Netcraft says that if only 15% of SSL-enabled sites are not secure in the us, this number jumps to 41% in France. I think I'll put my credit cards in a safe...

Source: Laura Rohde, IDG News Service, Apr. 3, 2002

The Trio Tackling Tomorrow's Chips

IBM, Sony and Toshiba will spend something near a half-billion dollars over the next four years to develop a new chip.

But not your everyday chip. A supercomputer-on-a-chip code-named Cell. And even if it was originally designed for the future Sony's PlayStation3, IBM is already envisioning to put the Cell in everything, from handhelds to mainframes.

Source: Otis Port, BusinessWeek Online, Apr. 8, 2002

Can I Write Off This Case of SnackWells?

If you live in the US, you probably read that the IRS considers obesity as a disease. And as a consequence, related expenses will become tax deductible.

Of course, because of the date of the announcement, some of you are still thinking it's an April Fool Day's joke. No, it's not. But it will be somewhat difficult to qualify for this tax break.

My advise if you have a weight problem: read carefully this article.

Source: Bill Bischoff,, Apr. 5, 2002

Working Out a Web-Based Personal Trainer

The title says it all. A guy wanted a personal trainer in a gym club, but couldn't work out everyday. The club told him it was impossible until he comes daily.

So he created his own company to give individuals a little more flexibility in their trainings.

If you live around Washington, D.C., please to be sure to contact ActivTrax.

Source: Ellen McCarthy, The Washington Post, Apr. 8, 2002

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