Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

samedi 20 avril 2002

John Markoff, from the New York Times, wrote today a story about the new japanese supercomputer which is installed at the Earth Simulator Research and Development Center in Yokohama.

In fact, this supercomputer has now been working for more than a month.

Here are more information about this new system from NEC:

- cost of development: $350 million to $400 million

- 640 nodes (64 GFLOPS/node, 5,120 CPUs in total), each of which consists of eight vector processors (8 GFLOPS/CPU), and achieves the peak performance of 40 TFLOPS (40 trillion floating-point operations per second)

the system already achieved a computing speed of 35.6 TFLOPS, or about 87 percent of its theoretical peak speed, which is remarkable

- 16GB main memory capacity for the shared memory of a computing node, and 10TB for the whole system

- floor space: 4 tennis courts

You can read the NEC press release here dated March 8, 2002.

Here is a rendering of the computer room.

And here is a chart showing the evolution of High Speed Computer Performance since the Cray-1.

Sources: John Markoff, The New York Times, Apr. 20, 2002 (Free registration required); NEC Corporation Press release; the Earth Simulator Web site 

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