Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

samedi 13 avril 2002

A week ago, Le Monde published a 12-page supplement with its weekend issue. And it did it again today. What's new with this, are you asking?

These twelve pages come from the New York Times. And they are published in v.o. ("version originale", i.e. in english).

BusinessWeek looks at how it might influence other european newspapers if this weekly supplement works well. It also tries to guess what will be the advertising impacts on the International Herald Tribune, published jointly by the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Source: Christina White, BusinessWeek Online, Apr. 12, 2002

Tech standard secures Web services

The Web Services war is going into high gear. IBM, Microsoft and Verisign are introducing the WS-Security specification.

This is bad news for Sun, slightly taken out of the WS-I alliance.

This also is good news for the whole industry, because these new security *standards* are designed to work with any authentication system. This means that even if Microsoft's Passport technology has an edge, Sun's Liberty Alliance project will be able to use thes new specs.

Source: Wylie Wong, Special to ZDNet, Apr. 11, 2002

Exploding the CRM myth

As everyone knows, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software deployment can cost companies huge amounts of dollars. So you can expect that customers are happy?

Not true, says Jeff Maling.

On the contrary, IT people are struggling to integrate new functionalities while marketing departments are saying to the customers that everything's fine. The result: customers don't get what they think they should have.

Source: Jeff Maling, for CNET, Apr. 11, 2002

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