Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

dimanche 21 avril 2002

The title is fine, but I prefer the line under it: "Penthouse suite: 11,457,600th floor - lots of room - great views".

Anyway, this is not science fiction. NASA people are thinking about a space elevator connecting a point near the equator and another one on a geostationary orbit.

For sure, this is not for next week. NASA is currently planning it for 2100 and for a cost of several billion dollars.

But when it's done, someone like you and me will go up 36,000 kilometers for a mere $250. I hope that NASA also is planning something for me in order to be here around 2100.

Source: Robert Longley,, Apr. 20, 2002

Glossary of spam terms

The San Jose Mercury News carried several articles about "spam" today. Just in case you come from another planet, "spam" these days means unsolicited e-mails.

I particularly enjoyed the Mercury News's glossary of words about spam.

My preferred expression: Whack-a-mole!

*Sounds* good to eat, but it actually means the "largely pointless act of repeatedly shutting off e-mail accounts of a spammer who immediately moves on to new accounts."

Source: San Jose Mercury News research, Apr. 20, 2002

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