Tuesday, July 2, 2002

Joining the Lomographic Society in force.
I just purchased two more Lomographic cameras - the 35mm LC-A, descended from soviet spy cams, and the 120 film based Holga 120SF (with flash). These complement by SuperSampler, a cool little camera that takes four panoramic shots over a two second period (or 2/10 second if preferred) onto a single 35mm frame.

I'll be adding to this, most likely, with a decent photo print scanner. For about the same price as a good Digital Elph, I can get the hi-res scanner, and then use all of my growing camera collection. And still be able to use iPhoto to get a cool book of ultra-cool photographs. Digital be damned - there's no way a digital cam can be as fun as a Lomo! (who have just recently produced an underwear line using lomo photos..wow).
10:26:46 PM  blips[]    

Customizing Roundup, day one
I spent some more time working with Roundup this morning. When you create a new instance, one of the files it generates is dbinit.py. dbinit.py contains code to initialize the database schema, and also contains an empty IssueClass class, subclassed off of the default roundup.roundupdb.IssueClass. I was able to take advantage of this to customize the emails sent out by Roundup to make them look a bit more like the ones sent out by Tracker (as mentioned in the Python based Issue Trackers post, Tracker generates the nicest emails of any issue tracking system I've worked with thus far).
9:58:21 AM  blips[]