Monday, July 29, 2002

EUCCI, cocktails
I know that to some, it's a sin to mix anything with Scotch, and normally I would agree. But now, from EUCCI, cocktails, we have the following drink:

Cybele's Reverie Dark
1/2 Shot of Creme De Cacao (Dark)
1 Shot Scotch - preferably Macallan or Highland Park*
Poured Straight - Neat or On The Rocks.

* This drink works best with one of the darker Scotches. Your bar should have at least one of them. If not - why do you go there?

An alternate version is Cybele's Reverie, Light. This was the original we discovered. You can optionally use a lighter flavored scotch with this one, including Glenmorangie or a blend like Johnnie Walker Red. In place of the dark Creme de Cacao, light is used.

It's a powerful nightcap - but on my first night using it as such, I woke up the next morning at 6:39 (am), thinking it was 6:39 (pm). This has happened on rare occasions in the past, and is always entertaining. First thought "man, 6:40 Sunday. I missed Futurama!... No, wait, I went out again last night to a movie... It's 6:40 pm on Monday! I missed work!". Then I started noticing the finer details, such as the light coming in from the east and the AM/PM light on the alarm clock being in the "AM" position. I chuckled, and crawled back into bed.

It may or may not be related to this stunning new drink.

10:47:02 PM  blips[]