Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Theme Tweaks
I've been playing around with a new design based on Bryan Bell's Movable Radio themes. I've really liked how a lot of Movable Type sites look, and am happy somebody already put in the effort to come up with something similar for Radio.

However, I did run into a few issues - on a 1024x768 monitor, a lot of the desktop web site stuff had layer bleedover, particularly on the home page (where one posts from) and the news summary page - the content on the right in the Movable Radio themes was overlapping the primary content, making the Post and Edit buttons hard to get to. After a lot of work, I've tweaked mine so that the navigation information is on the left. Or at least - it should be, if CSS is doing the right thing.

Industrie Toulouse is looking beautiful in Chimera right now.
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