Wednesday, July 24, 2002

There's plenty to read about today (and almost every day) on Tom Tomorrow's excellent This Modern World weblog, too much to even effectively sum-up here.

But of the days events, the proposed bill to give the MPAA and RIAA "full immunization from all state and federal laws if they disable, block or otherwise impair a "publicly accessible peer-to-peer network." is among the more interesting and potentially alarming if it indeed does go anywhere. Mmmm, full immunization from state and federal laws. Yes, this country needs MORE institutions backed with those abilities right now.
7:29:20 PM  blips[]    

Industrie Go
I just moved Radio, again. Since my iBook is generally off the network until I finally deal with going out and finding just the right 5 volt / 3 amp power adapter for my SMC Barricade wireless router, I've changed its role in life back to its original expectation - a music machine. The iMac is now home to Radio for the time being. Ultimately, this should breathe some life back into Industrie Toulouse.

But for now - there's a huge parade about to start up outside my window, and I've got three cameras primed and ready for it all.

All of the suburbanites crawled out of their affordable comfortable ant-like colonies to spend the night on the grass and sidewalks of downtown. It's a strange ritual I had completely forgotten about. I'm happy people are downtown, if only they'd stay here (and grow some downtown manners!)
8:53:22 AM  blips[]