Welcome Internetweek readers - A lot of you seem to be coming from the article on Software Innovation at Internetweek today. Neat article and nice of them to point back here. This blog is a great example of what Dave Winer is talking about in the article. I can post information here much faster than I can on our corporate web site. I can keep the information fresh, take comments off of them, and use that information in my other daily tasks. I can warn of viruses that hit and can use the forum to single out members of the community that are doing things that other users might find interesting but possibly not hear about.
This experiment is about 7 months old for us and so far has been very useful for our regular community and also as a way to introduce ourselves to people that find us in the press like yourselves.
If you have the time, please visit some of our other blogs within Macromedia and in our community. I have links there on the right to them.
Let me know what you think and if you are going to start a blog yourself. This is a very interesting space and it is great to have more folks into it.
3:01:45 PM