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Monday, August 12, 2002
Canine valley fever, a Southwest hazard for dogs AZ "Canine valley fever, a non-contagious disease, is being diagnosed with frightening frequency. The astronomical cost of long-term, anti-fungal medicine needed to fight the disease is declining in response to the volume of demand. "Valley fever is primarily a disease of the lungs caused by the fungus Coccidioides immitis, which grows in soil of the desert Southwest. The disease affects humans but dogs are particularly susceptible..." [Arizona Republic]
NY City pampers dogs, but not its Animal Welfare system NY New York City residents love their dogs, so it comes as a big shock to learn that New York's Animal welfare system has one of the highest rates of unnecessary euthanasia in the country: "We're killing 72 percent of the animals that end up in the city shelter, an average of 100 a day." According to the Vegan Times, things will only get worse with this year's budget cuts.

"The 16 percent cut at the Center for Animal Care and Control, more colloquially known as the city dog pound, may not seem draconian — but the the agency is already drastically underfunded. The city will spend $7.2 million on the agency this year, less than $1 per New Yorker, while the Humane Society of the United States recommends spending $4 per resident for an effective animal control program." [Vegan Times]

This isn't the New York we know; after all, didn't New York just pay to have "hundreds of life-size rescue dog statues _ painted by local artists and celebrities _  placed  in front of police stations and fire houses and elsewhere in Manhattan this summer
'Dying' dog on balcony: just a statue DC Imagine the horrified animal control officers who responded quickly to the caller who said "a dog  appeared to be dying of heat stroke on an apartment balcony. The caller said the dog had been barking early in the day but now could barely be heard, did not appear to have water or shade and was not moving. A responding animal control officer found a healthy dog in an air-conditioned apartment -- and a dog statue on the balcony." [Washington Post] Related: Protect your dog in hot weather Search dog news.
More dog trivia: a dog's name may reveal its roots An Iam Pet Food's survey reveals preferred dog names vary by region. Trendy trivia tidbits include:

• Midwesterners are twice as likely as Northeasterners to name their dogs after foods or beverages.
• More than 70 percent of Southerners give their cats people names.
• Ginger, Gizmo, Buster and Lucy are popular for both dogs and cats in the Midwest but don’t make it into the top 10 in any other region. Casey and Sasha are big in the Northeast; Rocky, Bandit, Cody, Dixie, Lucky and Sparky in the South; Rusty and Lady in the West.
• Midwesterners are less likely to name their pets after personality characteristics, such as Cuddles or Rascal, than are pet parents in the West and South. [Dayton Daily News]
Hi-tech pooch gear for the doggy camper "You can keep your stinking dog out of your tent," with the right gear: doggy tent; doggy bag (the sleeping kind); the "Chuck-it Flying Squirrel,"  'that throws like a flying disc and lands on its feet and floats' (we must have one); and  there's also a line of saddle bags so dogs can carry their own tent, fabric bowls and trail chow. A pooch gear company, Canine Hardware, sells  'the "anti-slobber lobber," a $12 ball launcher that can pick up slimy tennis balls.' cool... [Yahoo News]

Chuck-it Flying Squirrel is my dog's choice (if I could read his mind); he doesn't care about the rest... Related: Designer wear for dogs Boating gear for dog safety   "Pupgear has introduced a fold up " Doggydocks " for use on boat platforms.  In addition, Pupgear has added a line of water related canine sports gear, including life vests and boat booties that prevent dogs from slipping and scratching boat finishes..." and don't forget those doggles (doggy goggles or glasses)...
Pup- pourri of doggy trivia RI The dog days of summer are still with us, if you count "Code Red" days (air quality is not fit for a dog) along with steamy 95 degree Fahreinheit days predicted for much of the East Coast. To celebrate the final burst of summer, here's some dog trivia so you can throw that fetching stick with authority... [The Providence Journal]

Related: Trivia Zone: Dog Trivia  Can dogs see in color? Yes! (they don't see in all greys as previously thought.) "Dogs only sweat from the bottoms of their feet, the only way they can discharge heat is by panting..." What is the oldest breed of dog? (This site says Saluki; the chow chow is also one of the oldest.)
First aid for dogs (so you can make it to the vet) If you've ever owned a dog for its entire life, you've had at least one dog emergency which required some first aid. Your knowledge and action may someday save your pet's life. "More than 120 million Americans own a cat or a dog, but most have no idea what to do if the animal is sick, hit by a car, choking or bleeding..." [Boston Herald]

The American Red Cross Pet First Aid course costs $49 per person and will be held at American Red Cross offices in Boston, Framingham, Peabody, Quincy and Waltham. For more information, call 1-800-564-1234, Ext. 221. The Pet First Aid Kit and guide can be purchased online at www.bostonredcross.org. If this is not in your area, contact your local Humane Society or American Red Cross to find out if they are offering courses locally.
Ecosystem stats for dog news These stats are for the current day only, but it's nice to have. Nice that we don't have to set up a server to provide these. Thanks, Ecosystem! Here's what we get:

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