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Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Cops say teen burned, beat dog FL A 17-year-old youth has been charged with felony animal cruelty in the beating and burning of a dog. "A witness told investigators several youths beat the leashed dog with a steel pole before pouring lighter fluid on it and setting it afire, said Escambia animal control officer Russell Hoogland..." According to crime profilers, many serial killers practice their torture techniques on animals first... [The Florida Times-Union from Pensacola News Journal]
Hiking with your dog  CA Now that you've invested in all that high-tech camping gear for your dog, it's time to go camping and use some helpful tips by Shawn Price on hiking. Arf! [The Orange County Register] More tips from Dog News: Hiking with your dog 

The following article illustrates one reason why you'll want to leash your dog; as cool as it sounds, off leashing your dog may be dangerous to its health.  Family shoots dog stuck in wolf trap in recreation area. "A Kuna family´s pet dog was put out of its misery after it stepped in a wolf trap Saturday in a popular recreation area near Stanley... [The Idaho Statesman]

If your dog steps in a trap these tips may buy you time to get help: 

"Try to remain calm and try to calm the dog. Dogs will panic, jump around and try to bite. Throw a jacket over the dog and try to pin it to the ground.  A leg-hold trap´s jaws can be released by depressing the springs on the side of the trap. It may take two people with one holding the dog.  Once released, have your dog checked by a veterinarian for  injuries.  Signs in trapping areas also offer numbers to call for help. Biologists check the traps daily and may be found in the area."  [Idaho Stateman]
Lonely pets seek luv on the net UK Animal lovers are posting ads for their love starved pets on the web: 'Bradley, a house rabbit owner writing from the USA, is appealing for "a docile and friendly doe" to befriend his recently bereaved male house rabbit, Gordon. His advert reads: " ... Jenny [deceased bunny] fought her cancer for nearly one year and bravely survived surgery for tumours." '  And these pet owners are not just seeking AKC stud services, but genuine soulmates to sooth their pets and pooches...(good luck) [BBC News UK]
Pet theft: don't let it happen to you  Pet thieves steal  animals for one of four purposes: "They could sell them to the public because many pure breeds are marketable. They could sell them to research facilities. They could use the animals in fighting competitions; or they could use the animals for ritual practice." Know where your dog is; don't leave it alone in the car or yard unattended. [The Mountain Press]
Mark Pilgrim's beagle, Casey, passed away on Sunday. "She died of old age many years ago, after a long and happy life which, as these pictures show, consisted mainly of lying around in various rooms and various positions, and occasionally eating peanut butter..." Mark apologized that day. No need to, Mark... (Mark is the author of Dive into Accessibility, a must read for web designers).