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Thursday, August 29, 2002
All dog breed T-shirts If you have an unusual breed of dog or a dog that's not exactly popular (like our chow chow), you're usually out of luck when you want a beautful T-shirt showcasing your dog's breed. The Dog T-shirts by Choice Shirts' website offers 694 beautiful designs featuring all the breeds: that's 116 pages of dog art. Wow... [found via dogbreedinfo.com, another great site]
Chance, the dog, prevents rapist's chance A woman's recently adopted dog prevented her rape by breaking loose from his leash to attack the man hiding in her basement: She "left Chance chained upstairs while she went to the basement to wash clothes. As soon as she turned on the light, she panicked, because in the corner was an intruder waiting to attack." When her dog attacked, the intruder ran and apparently is still on the run...[Yahoo News!]
Royal chef once put Prince Charles' royal dog in royal oven UK Aptly nicknamed by the Guardian Unlimited as "More titbits from below palace stairs," a new book purports to describe the intimate daily life of the royal family; it includes such titillating tidbits as: "An imaginative chef once placed the prince's favourite Jack Russell inside a warm oven. Although Tigger was removed, lightly done, to survive until the age of 18, the enduring mental scars can only be imagined..." Not funny, not funny at all ... from "memoirs by Ken Wharfe, who was once Princess Diana's bodyguard." [Guardian Unlimited]
Loving home opens for dog, originally shot and left for dead NZ "Diane Sumner started crying in the supermarket when she read how Champ the dog was shot in the head and left to die in a pit. She rushed to the SPCA to see if there was anything she could do to help."  Champ beat death, bonded with Diane, and was adopted out to her by the SPCA... [New Zealand News] (The ASPCA is where we found our dog too!)
World's oldest living dog "A border collie said to be 27 could make it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest living dog." [Ananova.com Quirkies] Related: Second World's Oldest Dog

"The oldest dog that has been reliably documented was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey. He was put to sleep at the age of 29 years and 5 months!" [FurKids Facts News]