Home Dog News: weird, inspiring dog tales

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Friday, November 15, 2002
Dog Treat Recipes From A Foodie By Nature: a great link to the Doggie Connection and some wonderful people food recipes too. 'Favorite Recipes, Little Known Food Facts, New Food Observations, The Latest Health News! Since I've been collecting recipes for many years, WHY NOT share these special concoctions? Some are from friends, some from magazines or favorite cookbooks. All are yummy and most are low fat. I'm really getting interested in more low fat recipes as I get older. Seems that little bit of extra weight become a little harder to get off! I also collect food and nutrition tidbits from other sources and I will be posting those as well. Enjoy! ' 
CrapToons: hilarious pics: From Synthetic Morphene : Kid about to electricute himselfCrapToons has 'The Web's Crappiest Toons, Comics and More.' 'They have some decent Flash animations and a large collection of humorous images. Most of the images are Photoshop'd. Who knows where this picture originally came from. Doesn't look Photoshoped, so it was probably scanned out of some old pamphlet warning mothers to protect their kids from the dangers of electricity...' [link Christopher Taylor's editorials on Science, Technology, Salsa dancing and more]  (Chris used to walk his dog on a beach almost every day in Monteray.)
How about dog football From Flip's Painful discharge site: (things that come out of Flip's brain): 'Well, I love dogs, and I love football- so how about Dog Football? (another Salon delight). William Wegman did a wonderful film Dog Baseball... there needs to be a film crew present.' How about dog football [painful discharge]
Robodogs invade homes,  but can't see or manipulate well From Geek.com 'The field of robotics is finally at the stage where robots are starting to appear in homes. Robot pets, such as Aibo, are in high demand, and improved versions of Aibo are being built. A company called iRobot has introduced an inexpensive robot, called Roomba, which cleans floors without human intervention. Now robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks is predicting that the age of robotics will soon be upon us.' The state of robotics: Manipulation and vision are now the main problems. [geek.com]

How about a real dog: dogs are being destroyed in the thousands for lack of homes... visit the Dog Hause (free fonts and cool links and support spay/neuter programs.)