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Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Animal Law and History Web Site 'Topics include Animal Rights, Eagle Act, and Wildlife Management. Laws covered include Animal Fighting and  Zoning. Specied covered: Bears to Wolves, with separate sections for wild and captive birds.' [Research Buzz's This Week's Legal Research]

Check out that non-profit dog organization before you donate: Melissa Data Non-Profit Lookup [ResearchBuzz]

K-9 Legal Research  Laws and updates: well organized   [K-9 Patrol and Beyond]

A Pun Search Engine Silly pun jokes: (pun... get it?)
Q: What do you call a dyslexic atheist with insomnia?
A: Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there really is a Dog. (joke) [ResearchBuzz] (fun research)
Maddie's Fund for a no-kill nation "The goal of Maddie's Fund is to help build a no-kill nation where all Rescue a dog and you rescue yourselfadoptable (healthy) and treatable (underage, sick, injured and poorly behaved) shelter dogs and cats find loving new homes. When we reach the point where the nation’s healthy, adoptable animals can be guaranteed a home, Maddie's Fund will then focus its resources on funding programs to rehabilitate the sick, injured and poorly behaved, knowing that when these animals are whole again, there will be a loving home waiting for them. " Animal Groups get $6 million in grants
Salmonella bacteria found in 'dog chew' treats 'The Food and Drug Administration issued an alert on pig ears being imported into the United States last month, after completing a three-year investigation of pork products - and a variety of other materials used to make dog chews. Some contained salmonella, which is harmful for both dogs and humans.'  "They (dog chews made from animal parts) are just waste products" (unregulated by the FDA). In addition,  pig ears, cow hooves and chews made of rawhide will splinter and break down. "They tend to start a lot of gastrointestinal problems in dogs...'  Dog treat dangers: salmonella threat prompts health warning [The Marion Star] Related: Should your dog get that bone
Pentobarbitol found in 43 brands and product lines of dog food  A drug commonly used for euthanasia has been found in many dog food brands. 'The drug was found in national brands like Ken L Ration, Kibbles and Bits, Kibbles and Bits Puppy, Nutro, Walmarts "Ole Roy", Trailblazer, ... and many more. The FDA report suggests pentobarbital could be making it's way into the food through cattle or horses that were euthanized with the drug - their remains then grinded up and mixed in with dog food.' (Boy, am I glad I switched my dog to 'Bench and Fields', an organic dogfood with certified organic chicken. Your Pet's Dog Food Could Be Dangerous (wonder if they found any dog collars; some rendering plants recycle road kill) Related: FDA study on pentobarbitol in dog food
How to keep the peace in a dog pack household OR Adding more dogs to a one-dog family household? Read this article about keeping dogs from fighting in your home... 'The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the average dog-owning household has 1.7 dogs.'  [The Oregonian] Other considerations not mentioned in the article are the kind of dog to add to your doggy household. Consider the age, temperment and health of your first dog before you settle on any one dog. You'll want to introduce the dogs to each other first, so you can observe their behavior together. If the dogs don't hit it off and they instantly hate each other, you'll definitely have your work cut out for you. A dog's history is important to consider too.  Some dogs fight over territory, food, toys and people; this can lead to injury of dog and people, if you 'let them work it out.' (the worst advice I ever received from a dog training book).  A small house isn't conducive to a peaceful home if you add a bunch of large dogs to it; large dogs need space.
Animal health care hits a nerveWI chiropractors, veterinarians in regulatory catfight 'Practicing chiropractic on animals without a veterinarian present is illegal in 48 states, including Wisconsin, where some human chiropractors nonetheless routinely treat animals... The increased demand for chiropractic treatment is fueling the catfight between chiropractors and veterinarians. Chiropractors see the restrictions as a means in ensuring veterinarian income while vets respond that 'it is in the best interest of the animals to have a trained medical professional supervise the treatment.'  'They want to make sure that they are protected economically, and this is a perceived limitation to the veterinarians if another profession is encroaching on their territory," said Julie Kaufman, the president of the Wisconsin Professional Animal Chiropractors Association. "It's about money and territory..."  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Butchering for peace in Bali Thousand attend 'cleansing ceremony' near Bali Bombing  Hindu high priests butchered dogs and animals in a Kuta cleansing ceremony performed to remove the terror karma and vibrations created by the Bali bombing last month. 'Animals including [dogs, chickens,] buffaloes and goats were slaughtered for the sacred Hindu ceremony and their heads brought to the ceremony. Balinese Hindus believe today's ceremony will release the spirits of the dead to the next life, and expel evil from the island.' Thousands attend Bali cleansing ceremony [The Age Australia]

 'A young medium stumbles out of a crowd of hundreds of praying Balinese. Swaying and screaming, he kills a black duckling. Onlookers are convinced he's possessed by a demon... It's the first of 80 sacrifices that day.' Many attendees reported feeling soothed afterward. In Bali, ancient ceremonies confront modern terror [Christian Science Monitor] (Okay, how does killing terrified animals create peace. Imagine the terror of the animals who witnessed as they waited their turn at getting their throats slit or a quick drowning... )

Related:  Nepal king offers animal sacrifice at Assam temple
Zeke, the dog, posts resume online Phil Ackley is looking for work. He writes that Zeke, Jerry's dog, is looking for work too and has posted his resume online. Here's what Jerry, Zeke's typist, wrote for Zeke 'aka Snarly Dofangle' [Phil Ackley's Radiio Thingamabob]
'Skills: real-time trigonometry, particle physics, and psychological counseling. Low to below average hair loss. Friendly after initial introductions. Plays well with others. Self starter. House and office trained. Picks up after self.' more [The Jer Zone]

The vet is in... err... on the web to see your dog  Doc to the Animals.com Offers Pet Owners Real-Time, Secure, One on One Chat With Veterinarians 'Americas Veterinarian, Inc. has unveiled a new Website that provides pet owners with quality, one on one, online chat services with veterinarians seven days a week for $2.95 a month.' If you don't want to sign up, you can still read some good articles by veterinarians on common problems: Dogs eating poop (we haven't had that one yet), How does a dog burst her diaphragm (whoah, gotta read this one), Pain management (a must read) and more... Wholistic articles on pet care abound and you have a pet reference section (but I didn't see anything in the Dog reference section), pet store and pet magazine (either that part isn't up yet or it's down right now, because I got a 'Page Not Found').

You can sign up for a 30 free day trial (a generous offer, I think), but the $2.95 monthly fee may jump to $12.95 per month sometime in the future.  According to the Richard Stone, the web portal's founder,  DoctotheAnimals.com was organized to "create and build the dominant Internet portal for the largest and most loyal market segment in the U.S. -- the pet care industry."  The site has a privacy policy (requires javascript, however) and they don't collect a lot of personal information to begin with -- that's good; you're just handing over a name and email address, and postal address, to begin with. The portal is attractive. If you are a veterinarian, you can sign up to be part of the team (I hope they check out references, etc.).  Doctor to the animals is affiliated with Washington State University's leading College of Veterinary Medicine and with Hill's Premium Pet Food.

Personally, I like meeting a vet in person, so I know if he/she is kind or not and if he/she can work with my dog. I also like our vet a lot. But, in a pinch, if my vet disappeared (and that has happened... ), I might consider it.

Tiniest dog breed in the world: Petersburg Orchid FL The smallest dog in the world, Ulitka ("snail"), a 'Petersburg Orchid' breed, weighs in at only 600 grams, but adults can reach a kilogram. Tiny dogs carry big price tags and this breed weighs in at $1,000 for a puppy. Small dog, big price tag [The Scotsman] related: photo of Ulitka closeup