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Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Can a dog be a racist? Read Slate's fascinating article on dogs who appear to have racial bias...

'In his 1982 film White Dog, director Sam Fuller explores the socialization of racism by having a black man attempt to retrain a dog taught to kill blacks—a so-called white dog—only to have the dog attack whites instead...' [Slate] (I find this very disturbing; once a dog has learned to kill humans and has a taste for killing, it is a vicious, incorrigible animal which cannot be reliably retrained... the reason many animal shelters euthanize killer dogs.)

(This topic has been dissected to death in many an online dog forum. Obviously, a dog can be trained to discriminate on an owner's bidding; dogs sense owner's feelings too and may react accordingly.)

The panther was no dog... nor any ordinary cat Virgina, Chincoteague, woman attacked by black panther  'Despite the warnings, some don't believe the reports of a 40-pound cat, saying she [an elderly Chincoteague, Virginia woman]  mistook a dog or cat for a panther...' But visitors to the adjacent 14,000-acre Assateague National Wildlife Refuge have also reported seeing the huge cat.  [News Journal] Related: Animal Attack baffles Island, It wasn't the cat next door.  In an eerie coincidence, sightings of a black panther occur half way around the world in Lithgow, Australia: 'That cat' still creates stir Australia [Lithgow Mercury]

Coyote Jumps Fence, Slays Dog NY 'A pet dog named Mandy, released into a yard surrounded by a 4-foot-high chain link fence, was killed by a hungry coyote in Rockland County. While coyotes rarely go after dogs, recent snowfalls have made it harder to hunt -- and easier to jump fences...' [WNBC, NY] (another hazard of the winter snowstorms pummelling the U.S.)

Dog finds family's missing cat  NZ Before the cat disappeared, the family's dog and cat regularly played together; eight months later, a family member took the dog for a walk through town and out came the cat to play:.'This cat came out and started playing with Kobe. It was unmistakably Shaq, no other cat would play with an exuberant border collie...' [Stuff]

Elderly burglar uses dog as look-out 'An elderly German thief used his pet dog to act as look out while he burgled a number of churches' He taught the dog to bark an alert if anyone approached, but was finally caught when the dog didn't bark... at a priest the dog knew. [Ananova Quirkies]

Woman dies after run with her dog NZ She tied her Malamute's leash around her waist so she could be hands-free... big mistake. When the dog bolted across a street, she fell and hit her head... (Most trainers warn against wrapping a dog leash around your hand or waist...  you must be able to let go of the dog leash at all times, just in case something like this happens...) Even the most well-trained dog can bolt, under unusual circumstances. [New Zealand Herald]

Man chooses dog house over jail time TX 'A man accused of punishing his stepson by forcing him to sleep in a dog kennel has agreed to the same punishment in a plea deal...[30 days in a dog kennel] He allegedly whipped his 11-year-old stepson with a car antenna and made him sleep in a kennel for several days and possibly weeks...' [Ananova Quirkies]

Germany's take on catching dog poopers: dogs will get ID tags so you can tattle on them Germany has had it with owners who don't clean up after their dogs. Dogs will wear ID tags (plates), so you rat them out to the police. If the dog tagging is successful in Frankfurt, the tagging will spread to other cities...

'If someone has a car accident and drives off then they run the risk someone will note down their number and they will get in big trouble... The same should apply to irresponsible dog owners whose try and escape after their dogs have fouled the walkways.'  [Ananova Quirkies]

Related: Paris fights the good fight... making war on dog poop