Do you eat dog food? PA here's your chance to tell the world. Go confess to Mike Rubino... he's collecting 'I eat dog food' stories... [Tranquility Lost via Jerz's Online Resource Room]
Related: Dog food used in hot dogs Belgium [Ananova Quirkies] (maybe you HAVE eaten dog food and didn't know it... )
Some people eat dog food to save money DC [DC Forum] Believe me, this forum will disuade you from EVER eating canned dog food. DC Forum's cranky stream of uninhibited chatter offers us insane hilarity, a welcome remedy in these anxious times.
If you eat dog food, a word of advice: stop it! stop it right now. Go see your vet, errr... I mean, your doctor immediately...

Dog Food | Las Vegas Mercury: Local View: Let them eat dog food | :: Because, let's face it, dogs are GOOD FOOD ! | Dog Food ? What Are We Feeding Our Dogs ? | - Bush on fainting episode: 'Chew your food ' - January 14 | Willamette Week Online | Food & Drink | DOG EAT DOG | The Wiener | A Dog Eat Dog World in San Francisco | When Good Dogs Eat Bad Things