$77,500 settlement in dog death NC [Jackson Sun News] A family whose beloved dog was shot and killed by police during a traffic stop received a $77,500 lump sum and police officials admit no guilt as part of the settlement.
What I want to know is: how did authorities ever agree to a $77,500 settlement sum? One can only imagine what costs were considered: emotional, physical and mental. But still, why $77,500... rather than $50,000 or $60,000, or even $100,000.
Related: Pets may get snuffed but according to Pet Whispers, pets may come back to visit in ethereal form... because 'death does never love part.'
Airline pays $500 damages in accidental death of pets in cargo flight
After pet dog dies, billionaire spends $5million attempting to clone her... So far, no luck [Japan Today] John Sperling, billionaire, divide America into Metro and Retro... [Washington Post]

"Man's Best Friend" | Harabes v. Barkery, Inc. | Overview of Damages for Injury to Animals | Brousseau v. Rosenthal | (CA - US) The $50,000 Mutt | ALDF: Animal Legal Defense Fund | Dog news headlines from the world archives january | Pet Dog & Cat Groomer Menus for Grooming Industry | VETERINARIANS IN THE DOGHOUSE Are Pet Suits Economically Viable? | Antinome: November 2003