(off topic: This is NOT a paid blurb for Marqui: )
When I saw an article by Marc Canter about bloggers getting paid to blog and the presumed conflict of interest subsidized blogging may create, I read it, but was disappointed that the link to the agreement between Marqui and bloggers led to a '404 not found' page. [hmmm... maybe they're busy rewriting it... now that the blogosphere has discovered it... ] Darn, I was interested... Hey, bloggers, go get paid for a change! and donate some of that hard-earned moola to a charitable cause, like your local pet rescue organization...
Followup: Agreement Link repaired (12:00 EST). At least Marqui doesn't ask bloggers to go over to the dark side and get paid to spam... not recommended unless you want to: 1) possibly go to jail and 2) be hated worldwide and wreck the web (as if it isn't a minefield of problems already.)

Get Paid to Blog | Simple Surveys LiveJournal and Blog Surveys - Get paid to do | Come Hack on RSS at Yahoo. Get Paid . (Jeremy Zawodny's blog ) | GET PAID TO READ EMAIL | PRESS RELEASE: Get Paid To Blog | Web Wizardry: Blogging Network - Get paid to Blog | J-Walk Blog : Get Paid To Spam | PRESS RELEASE: Get Paid To Blog | Move the Crowd: How to Get Paid to Blog | Blogit > How to Get Started