Wednesday, August 13, 2003
A blogging mini-vacation.
I'm sitting in Mulligan's Irish Pub in South Lake Tahoe enjoying their
SurfandSip WiFi service. The staff barely knows they have it, but here
it is. Interesting note: Boingo claims to have service both here (not)
and at our resort, The Ridge (not). So I give SurfandSip one up on
knowing their customers. And I'm telling the Mulligan's staff to start
advertising that they have WiFi--we came here specifically to use it,
and bought food (good) and drink (Pepsi). I'm buying one day at a time
service on SurfandSip, $5 per, which seemed the better deal than
$20/month renewing, since I won't be coming here more than four days.
But I will be singing the praises of their service.
The Tahoe weather is beautiful. No clouds, but not hot--very temperate,
very hospitable.
10:24:57 PM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:19:13 PM.
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