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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Saturday, February 5, 2005

Scoble visits Fry's:

Got a new computer for my son. Just got Patrick a new computer at Fry's. Came to $550 after rebates. . .One last thing? Fry's was PACKED. Glad to see Silicon Valley's economy rocking and rolling again. I remember getting a tour from John Fry of the Sunnyvale store (which is where we were -- it's a block from AMD's headquarters). That was their first million-dollar-of-sales-day at any store. I bet they are doing that on a regular basis now.[ Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

The original Fry's was just off Lawrence Expressway, a few blocks from the current Sunnyvale store. It was half convenience store, half computer parts store, not much bigger than your average 7-11. You could find, literally, potato chips in the convenience store section a few feet away from computer chips in the computer store section.

Here's a true story: It's 1983, and my first trip to Fry's. My office has a new IBM PC, with the standard 64K RAM. In those days you bought an add-on memory card from AST, called a Six-Pack, to bring your PC up to its maximum of 640K. And you saved money by populating the board with 8K memory chips yourself. So my first purchase at Fry's was a Six-Pack and chips.


6:56:47 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Article in this morning's Merc about the differing visions between IBM and Oracle--yet they may have to cooperate. And yes, I'm in IBM's information management group now.

Yeh, I know, the article's behind the Merc's registration wall; sorry about that. Try BugMeNot for a login.

4:35:11 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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