Thursday, March 17, 2005
This UXnet gathering in New York reprised our BayDUX/BayCHI shindig
from last October, and might also preview the CHI 2005 DevCon coming
soon in Portland:
Iím recording some of what I took away from the UXnet panel on UX disciplines held in New York City last night. Lou Rosenfeld
led the panel. The requisite issue of defining UX pervaded the
discussion, although some people were also interested in how we might
identify and bridge gaps in our understanding of the processes of the
many disciplines under the UX umbrella. There was also some interest in
identifying what disciplines are not currently included in our UX world
that should be. Some of the participants comments and observations
paraphrase below resonated with me. I apologize for the incompleteness.
I didnít take notes.
7:59:38 PM
I might actually buy this one--
geek poetry t-shirt.
Ferret posted about this incredibly geeky t-shirt from ThinkGeek: Roses
are #FF0000violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you I
immediately went into a reflexive clicking frenzy over to the thinkgeek
web site (BUY! BUY! MUST! BUY! NOW! YES!). Ferret's complaint is that
he can't wear it because he ends up having to explain it to too many...
[ limon :: by Laura Lemay]
I pretty much don't wear t-shirts these days, except when I go to the
gym--which is where I can wear some of my huge collection. And now that
I work for a company with a gym on-site, among people who might
understand a geeky t-shirt, I'm actually tempted.
7:51:28 PM
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