Thursday, April 21, 2005
Peter's side of the UX discussion:
8:29:54 PM
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution."
Which is another way of saying that in order to get the right answer you have to ask the right question.
8:18:53 PM
An unsolicited plug:
Hiring tip. If you are trying to decide between a few people to fill you position, always hire the better writer.
I donít care if that person is a designer, programmer, marketer,
salesperson, whatever. Assuming your candidates are fairly equally
skilled and qualified overall, always hire the better writer. This is
especially true with designers since copywriting is interface design (more on that soon). [ Signal vs. Noise]
8:17:01 PM
Dirk riffs on the meaning of user experience, and what's right and wrong about current discussions:
Personally, I don't care what we call it. If you have a better name,
let's hear it. Let's just make sure we're talking about the same thing.
8:13:25 PM
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