Wednesday, April 27, 2005
There are a number of blog postings today about Apple's decision pull
Wiley titles off their shelves in retaliation for the new Jobs bio; I
like Weinberger's post best:
Tell Steve Jobs he's a vain, petty tyrant.
Jobs doesn't like what a biographer says about him so he stops Apple
stores from selling all books by that publisher? Note that he's not
just keeping the book he doesn't like out of the store. No, he's
de-shelving any book from that publisher in retaliation. You can
pre-order the book here. Let's drive it up the charts. (Hey, Amazon,
how about pairing this book with a Dixie Chicks album?) [Technorati
tags: apple SteveJobs DixieChicks]... [ Joho the Blog]
Three thoughts:
- I don't buy computer books at Apple stores, so they're not hurting Wiley that way.
- I ordered the book yesterday, from Amazon.
- I bought three Dixie Chicks CDs when they were taking flack for dissing Bush.
So there.
8:57:43 PM
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