Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
a card-carrying member of the reality-based community—
"give me a better idiot"


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  Friday, December 2, 2005

OK, this is just too cool for words: an animated guide to tying knots. Where was the Web when I was learning to sail? You can learn how to tie all those pesky odd knots, step by step, reversed, and upside-down. Maybe now I can learn to tie a bowline left-handed—I can do it upside down and behind my back, but I can't do it left-handed.
Animated Knots.

If you're into knots, this is for you: Animated Knots by Grog.

Each knot automatically "ties itself" when the page opens. Fast and slow buttons allow each animation to be replayed. To make it easier to visualize different situations, many of the animations can also be played reflected left for right as well as inverted (select using the buttons at the top and bottom).

[The J-Walk Blog]

All with explanations, including why certain knots are dangerous (for example, see the Reef Knot). With references to the glorious Ashley's Book of Knots, which has an honored place on my bookshelf.
3:30:04 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I never thought I would do something like this, but I have been using Ta-da Lists to track my to-do lists for several weeks now. . . and rather liking it.

Ta-da list, the totally free, totally simple web-based sharable to-do list maker just hit the 1,000,000-item milestone. . . [Signal vs. Noise]

Instead of keeping paper lists to carry around, or keeping a list on the Palm PDA that I never look at, I keep to-do lists on the web, which I can bring up on any monitor that I happen to be working on at the time.

I've used Lotus Notes at work for six years; Notes has a to-do function, which I've tried to use but just can't get used to looking at and really using. But the Ta-da lists seem to be working for me.
9:16:54 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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