Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
a card-carrying member of the reality-based community—
"give me a better idiot"


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  Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just kidding, of course. But if you're a member of ACM SIGCHI, you only get to elect new leadership every three years, so the time is now.

Keith Instone says:

I voted. Consider this the virtual equivalent of the "I voted" sticker: in this case, I just voted for 2006 SIGCHI officers. March 27th is the deadline. . .[Keith Instone's site - IA, UX, Toledo, IBM, and less.]

Thank you, Keith, for the reminder and exposition on the nomination and election process.

And please consider voting for me for VP Finance. Thank you for your support.

2:38:17 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

We do. I like the idea behind Lou Rosenfeld's new publishing venture, which Lou says is well-described in this interview:

Liz Danzico interviews Lou Rosenfeld in Boxes & Arrows, a publication that should be familiar to every UX professional. It's a quick read that explains the motivation behind the company's founding, and how we hope to be different. [RM Announcements]

I can't wait to see what Lou comes up with to publish first.

2:32:28 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

OK, it's still in rumor mode, but just consider the possibilities:

The all-share deal will make Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, around $3.5bn and the single largest shareholder in Disney. Jobs created Pixar in 1986 when he paid $10m for the computer animations division of Lucasfilm, owned by Stars Wars creator George Lucas. Link (via /.)
So, His Steveness becomes Disney's biggest (not majority) shareholder, Disney gets a 21st century animation studio. . . and Disney might become relevant again. About effing time. I'm so sick of seeing the same old thing from Disney. My kids deserve better.

2:28:47 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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