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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 3 October 2002
Speaking of being blown away - today we had our first request for a tool to import data from an existing Rational ClearQuest into JIRA. The fact that someone is willing to toss their CQ install (starting from $1295 per user) for a JIRA one ($800 per server) is a very good thing IMHO.
4:29:30 PM  comment []   

It's a veritable lovefest today - and that makes it a good day...

First Joe has upgraded his rating of JIRA from rocks to seriously rocks. Apparently there is a difference :

Okay, Jira seriously rocks! Mike Roberts was demonstrating to me today how issue linking works. It allows us to create issues representing user stories which are made up of engineering task issues. Previously, the only tools I've found flexible enough to handle this are index cards and wikis.

This is a huge win for Jira, because let's face it - what do software vendors know about our software process? I'm glad the Atlassian guys have acknowledged this and allowed the end user to model the process instead of dictating how they think it should be. I'm glad that Atlassian ISN'T a company that preaches software development practises. Not that any other software vendors do that :).

Kevin (a fellow Aussie - so let's face it, he must know what he's talking about - even if he is from Victoria) also has nothing but good things to say:

So if you are working on an open source project you have no excuse for not checking Jira out.

And while we're on the topic, Jim has decided that OSCache deserves a "ROCKS!" rating too:

 I had heard about OSCache and used it in it's early stages, but wasn't sure if it could cache dynamically generated images, the chart is generated as a PNG from a servlet, but sure enough it did, and what's even better, it did with *NO CODE*! Using the CacheFilter, we simply mapped the filter to the servlet, set the timeout period and we were in business! Nice!

Thanks Jim, Joe and Kevin - you guys made my (our!) day.

Now we just have to work out how to top this all for tomorrow!

2:50:54 PM  comment []   
Kevin beat me to the news that xDoclet 1.2.0 (beta 1) has hit the street. And yes, they're using JIRA now! *cheer* [kev's catalogue of this and that.]
2:44:12 PM  comment []   

Slightly Less Common Latin Phrases. I am a geek. I must be since I think these are funny. Help me please :)... [paradox1x]

Ditto - some of the translations are very liberal, but I still laughed quite hard. I didn't know too many Americans learnt latin? I did it all the way through to the HSC *shudder*

2:32:52 PM  comment []   

Have you ever noticed how IT companies tend to have coherent naming schemes for their servers? It has always amused me.

In the office all our machines are named after Muppets (Gonzo, Scooter, Beaker, Bunsen, Cookie, Grover etc), our servers are all named after Greek gods (Zeus, Bacchus - son of Zeus etc).

At my university, the servers were all named after composers (Mozart, Liszt, Handel etc).

What wacky naming schemes do you have?

2:28:33 PM  comment []   

Footy, or how to turn eastern sydney into a battle zone. I think it is time for me to don my honourary kiwi jacket and bet Mike a beer or three over the outcome of the match. It might even make me watch it. :) [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla]

Bah - the mighty Roosters will come steaming home - you just watch. Pity they have the campest song in the NRL... "Rooster rooster man, I want to be a rooster man." (to the tune of Macho man by the Village People)

12:14:34 PM  comment []   

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