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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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blogchalk: Mike/Male/21-25. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Glebe and speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.


Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 8 October 2002

So you never get anything but text from this blog? How about a free t-shirt? It's easy.

We're running a competition to design the JIRA 2.0 development team t-shirt - if you're the winner, you get a t-shirt. Pretty simple.

My favourite slogan so far (ok, I'm biased): "Show them your O face - JIRA 2.0... oh... oh... oh..."

5:15:43 PM  comment []   
Project Management.
Hal Macomber blogs about lean project delivery..

Great post after great post. Hal is blogging his personal path to project management reform. I don't understand all the ideas yet, but it is captivating like my first experience of Extreme Programming. A sense of bottom up, peer-to-peer, emergent project control. New thinking in a hidebound profession.

[a klog apart project management]

[a klog apart]

I'd love to see better project management. I have seen some honestly horrible project management in my time. Not helped by the fact that I am such an optimist on build time predictions. [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla]

This looks like a great blog on PM - but unfortunately no RSS feed. I would one day like to write a proper PM application (traditional!) using JIRA as a base. One day...

3:41:49 PM  comment []   

JIRA Hosting. I believe that Atlassian will also do deals on hosting open source project's JIRA instances. Have a chat to Mike. He doesn't bite. Honest. (Even if I do owe him a few beers after the Warriors got trounced by the Roosters). [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla]

While we freely offer licenses to Open Source projects, we (generally) don't host JIRA for them unless they are large / established / cool to us etc (ie OpenSymphony, XDoclet, Roller etc). Sorry - we just don't have the $ for bandwidth to host hundreds of Open Source projects. We're not public like them.

PS Yep, I'm owed beers. The Roosters came home to roost baby! Favourite crowd sign from the weekend? "Unleash Morley!"

3:35:33 PM  comment []   

I'll shout louder... here's my LEGO EXPERIENCE :) [Joe's Jelly]

hahaha that sounds awesome too. Training people to do XP with Lego Mindstorms. Do these people offer training in AU?

3:28:04 PM  comment []   

phWorks has posted a public beta of PhDataCache, a caching JDBC driver that "sits between Java applications and their databases's native JDBC driver. It intercepts all of an application's JDBC calls and, based on rules which are defined by the system architect, determines whether or not to cache query responses. Designers have complete control over what gets cached and for how long, and because it uses the well defined JDBC interface, there is no need to make any alterations to existing code bases." When released, pricing is expected to start around $199 or $1995 for a distrivution license.
[cafe au lait]

Oooh nice. [Joe's Jelly]

Yup - looks very cool. And also cool because the pricing is reasonable (for people embedding it in applications or servers).

Doesn't look like very defensible technology though. How long before some Jakarta hack whips up a similar JDBC driver?

3:25:33 PM  comment []   
Charles has finally claimed back his humanity with his blog :"I am not a number! I am a human being!." hahaha
3:05:31 PM  comment []   
Kevin laments my pain with the File API in Exceptions vs response codes in the JRE.
3:00:16 PM  comment []   
Writing an installed in Ant? Wicked idea! Inst.ant - some ideas [And They Shall Know Me By My Speling Errors]
2:58:05 PM  comment []   

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