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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 15 October 2002

Wow - it's like Mike is writing an ad for JIRA there.

Indeed, its so slick that its easy to forget its a web application!

Now that's surely just a lie
2:43:11 PM  comment []   
hehe - I guess I'm not the only guy who thinks Jakarta isn't the best brand in the world.
2:41:24 PM  comment []   
Matt is talking about a really interesting looking marketing book in "Filling the pipeline". Might have to invest in it.
2:39:09 PM  comment []   

The Blame Game. Is it just me, or is the media rushing a bit too fast towards blaming Al Qaeda for the bombing in Bali? I'm suddenly reminded of the Anthrax scares in late 2001[~]which sort of dropped out of the news after it was realised it had nothing to do with the Middle East at all, and was probably being perpetrated by home-grown American lunatics. (271 Words) [The Fishbowl]

Agreed - if you saw 60 Minutes on Sunday night with John Dubya Howard, you would think Richard Carlton has already figured out who did it. One of my friends was planning to go to that club, on that night - but decided against it. Luck works in strange ways.

2:29:03 PM  comment []   

JoeW has a fantastic Mock Object lesson on his blog. Read it. This man is my MockObject Yoda at the moment.

For reference (I'll keep a running tally on my blog) JIRAs new mock test suite now covers 6% of our code according to "Clover". Not nearly the ~30% our Cactus suite covers, but this 6% runs in less than a second. Scary.

2:20:36 PM  comment []   

Dave has done some fantastic work on a Java Persistence Framework analysis matrix - great stuff!

FYI Dave, OFBiz supports all those databases out of the box and more. In fact it will support any JDBC compliant DB I believe (just gotta write a field definitions XML file for those that don't already have it).

2:16:05 PM  comment []   

Wharton feels the Google love. Radio ads airing in Los Angeles and San Francisco for the school's executive M.B.A. program are promoting Google searches to deliver Web surfers to Wharton's site. [CNET]

hahah how amusing is this - they're not advertising URLs anymore, but Google keywords. What's more amazing? They didn't buy ads on those keywords - they're just highly ranked. Could get scary? What if someone else bought ads on the keywords you were advertising?

2:12:53 PM  comment []   

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