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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Friday, 4 October 2002

Calling the blog-support Java hotline:

Ever since Java 1.1 file1.renameTo(file2) doesn't work across volumes (ie different unix partitions) - but from within Java you can't tell if the files live on different partitions, the method just returns false. What to do? Is there a commons class or something that will move the file for me? (I'm guessing you have to do it a byte by byte?)

5:08:41 PM  comment []   

It's definitely a TISM day...

A baseball cap and a love of rap, might mean sympathy but still... possibly a homeboy could be a dickhead pure and simple... tell me whyyyy...

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

2:49:09 PM  comment []   

Holy shit! People out there read my random dribblings!

The whole server naming thing seems to have hit a chord with other alpha-geeks around the place.

There are 13 comments at last count, with my favourite naming scheme from there so far being the first - classic video games!

Gordon's approach to server naming is just painful in comparison

Charles also thinks that the naming of hosts is a difficult matter - but he had the best comment of the day:

At my current employer, all our boxen are named after heavenly bodies[~]generally stars, planets or constellations. However, I maintain that calling my next box [base "]Sarah-Michelle Gellar[per thou] would fit perfectly into the naming-scheme.

2:46:04 PM  comment []   

Ant 1.5.1 Released!. It doesn't appear like there are too many changes, but there's a new version nevertheless. As most of you open source developers know, it's much easier to keep up with the lastest version (or nightly builds) than to try to migrate when a new version comes out. If you don't, you mind end up with a XDoclet nightmare similar to the one I'm having with Roller. [We Build Web Apps]

Raible brings up an interesting point here - I actually disagree. I used to be a CVS HEAD junkie, but lately I've started to realise that perhaps it is more productive to keep up with Open Source projects each time they release (take half a day to upgrade as needed). The alternative (living on the bleeding edge) often leaves you scratching your head, reading CVS commits etc - which can be very unpleasant after a while. YMMV

2:28:06 PM  comment []   
Russell has some more OSCache loving. Thanks Russ!

Since MiniBlog is one big-ass JSP page, this took all of 30 seconds to test out and implement. Resin didn't even give me any problems! Wow. Right now it's set on the defaults with the date as the "key" and is set to refresh the cache when I edit and since it's application scope, it should refresh the whole cache. Works like a charm so far! Gotta love stuff that Just Works.

2:25:59 PM  comment []   

October 2002
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