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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 17 October 2002
My condolences. I had no idea how many Australians were in that bomb blast in Bali... since there's a mighty contingent of Aussies in the community I wanted to pass along my condolences.

-Russ [Russell Beattie Notebook]

Russell - thanks, much appreciated. I was calculating today that if you look at the number of Aussies who died as a proportion of our population (18 million or so?), it's almost exactly the same proportion as 9/11. Of course it wasn't as public an act so it is less exciting to the media, which is sad.

12:56:14 AM  comment []   

JDOM in Oracle Magazine. The Sept/Oct issue of Oracle Magazine has an introductory article on JDOM covering Beta 8.

BETA 8! JDOM was a great idea but what happened? Development ground to a halt, a clean API got messy and they spent years at Beta status. Will they ever ship?

Meanwhile other projects have been consistently releasing with innovating features and cleaner APIs; DOM4J, ElecticXML, and XOM.

What is the big deal with JDOM? The competing products are better at virtually everthing JDOM tries to achieve.

Thank goodness for the JCP, that'll save them, because as we all know a nice heavyweight process will help them one day reach the big 1.0 for a product which there is no longer a need for. Come on guys, stop talking and start doing.

[Joe's Jelly]

I can't say this loudly enough - hear, hear! JDOM was a great idea, that has since been surpassed.

Why? They never shipped.

12:46:44 AM  comment []   

Tapestry 2.2 has been released.Tapestry is a server framework,that servesas "an alternative to scripting environments such as JavaServer Pages or Velocity." It "streamlines the creation of Java web applications. The majority of application logic, including request dispatching, localization, server-side state management, and form submission processing, is shifted into the framework; developers are responsible for just application-specification business logic. Tapestry accomplishes this by dividing pages into a hierarchy of components which are configured to work together within the page."Tapestry is published under the LGPL.

[Cafe Au Lait]

Tapestry always looks cool to me - but just too much of a 'new paradigm' to work with? Every time I try out the tutorials it's 'clunky' to my brain. Other thoughts?

12:39:13 AM  comment []   

Here's a question from a reader:

I have to organise some training for people at my company, and I was thinking that I should get a list of all the best places for online training / tutorials. Perhaps you can ask for help on your weblog / setup a section in a wiki somewhere?

The topics I am aiming to cover are:  Core Java, Ant, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, Jikes, IDEA, Webwork, Sitemesh.

What I'm after is a list of 'tutorials' (not references etc), but parts that when combined, are a good training course for people.

(emphasis mine)

Hrm - interesting idea! He's going to use cool technologies like Jikes, IDEA and WebWork so I'm happy to help out!

How about it people? Email me your resources or just comment on this post - here's my list anyway, there's a few holes that hopefully other people can fill in:

12:36:20 AM  comment []   

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