Well Grant has launched the beta of gmodeler. Gmodeler is UML tool built for flash, in flash. I have used it on 2 real world projects already and it has saved me a ton of time. The last couple days I have been playing with a parser I wrote to generate gmodeler xml from reference panel docs. (Very useful when creating components) So far the parser can do almost all xml from Macromedia components. You can pick up the xml here Let me know if you have issues with the xml. The DataGrid xml file is the only one to contain full documentation. I am still juggling with the ugly html inline to the xml that the reference panel uses (who's idea was that) I have 90% of the issues with that resolved and will be updating all the xml files when those bugs are fixed.
Back to gmodeler...make sure to check it out. He has a feedback link so you can do feature requests/bug reports which is nice (Grant, you have my list of feature requests already!) It supports outputing ref panel xml, html docs, and stub code. It also puts out XML so that you can share your diagrams with others.
I am not really sure how many Flash Developers are familiar with UML but if you are not it is something as a developer you should pick up.
If you skimmed the above text because you never like reading what I have to say you can just jump right to the site what I was talking about here.
9:16:36 PM