Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Rafe Colburn on John Edwards’ lame Web presence: “(H)is campaign home page is the #10 result from Google when you type in "john edwards" as your query. He comes in behind the host of Crossing Over and a run of the mill attack site put up under a convenient URL. Not good.”


Agreed, as noted in Google’s #3 ranked item in a search for “john edwards weblog”. RC also points to a hopeful Slate article, in which William Saletan discerns some heretofore undiscovered audacity in Edwards’ message.

3:51:37 PM    comment []

A conversation with Derek Willis on my Comments page, re this morning’s post on weblogs and the traditional media.


Derek: “Ok, let me play the crank a bit. It's a given that weblogs drive the major media?... I think one reason why some of us media folks (even those of us who love weblogs) get a little annoyed is because of sweeping statements like that.”...

3:08:56 PM    comment []

Oliver Willis on reactions to the Supreme Court’s decisions on preferences: “In less than twenty seconds I saw two conservative commentators (one of them Bill O'Reilly) make the idiotic statement that race based preferences would give a leg up to someone like the child of Michael Jordan or Oprah Winfrey. Come on.”

8:38:23 AM    comment []

Thirteen months ago I wrote a guest article for DaveNet about being a journalist with a weblog. I think it holds up OK. Then, it felt bold to say, “bloggers will lead, drive, and shape the news coverage of the major media.” Now it’s a given.

8:19:31 AM    comment []