Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Bob Dole met Bennett College president Johnnetta Cole through his wife, Senator Liddy Dole. Now the part-time North Carolinian has agreed to chair a campaign to raise $50 million for the Greensboro school.


When Cole arrived at Bennett some thought the college didn't have a prayer, but she has started to turn things around in a hurry. This is great for Bennett, and for Greensboro.

1:21:58 PM    comment []

Monkeytime wants to know why I asked Glenn Reynolds to be on the BloggerCon journalism panel. “(S)urely you've noticed the dishonest debate tactics that regularly show up at InstaPundit,” he writes, citing a Ted Barlow post as evidence.


Well, this is a panel about weblogs and journalism, not a political forum, or even a discussion of journalistic standards, although the latter topic will probably surface. Reynolds also writes and links to a lot of smart, useful stuff. He’s been a major player in the rise of weblog publishing and punditry. Our panel should tell people how he’s done what he’s done. If I was putting together a panel on TV journalism, I’d probably ask Roger Ailes to be on it, too.


Of course I’ve noticed that Insty often practices a form of tendentious, intellectually flaccid journalism – that’s why I wrote this and this, and, in my very next post after the BloggerCon announcement, I took him to task for using the term “fifth column” to describe people who question the war, and for “crediting” Andrew Sullivan with using the same term, when in fact Sullivan had been called on it and quickly backed away. (Insty’s attack in the same post on critical media coverage – “If we lose this war, that will be why” – is so dumb as to be meaningless.)


I'm more concerned that our panel is gonna be four white guys sitting around talking -- but then again, it's supposed to reflect journalism, not the blogosphere or the world at large, so maybe that's pretty accurate.


InstaPundit acolytes: substitute the name “Josh Marshall” for “Glenn Reynolds” when you read this post. Not that I ever find Marshall to be intellectually lazy, but he does occupy a political point of view.

9:23:56 AM    comment []