Thursday, October 16, 2003

Do a Google search for "George Bush official weblog" or "Bush Cheney official weblog." 

All kinds of stuff comes up -- Democratic candidate sites, parody sites, news sites, all sorts of blogs -- everything but the Bush campaign weblog itself. Does this mean nobody is linking to it?

3:52:45 PM    comment []

The John Edwards weblog has started a useful feature, the daily press roundup. Hey, it works for Dean.

3:37:24 PM    comment []

My mom re Markoff on weblogs and journalism: "He doesn't want to get it. He didn't care. What he said wasn't interesting. Blase journalists aren't the best kind."

3:06:25 PM    comment []

The same thing happened to Bluto when he took Niedermeyer's horse into Dean Wormer's office.

Llama dies, sheep painted.

"The five boys admitted to spray painting the sheep, but said they did nothing to the llama."

12:40:22 PM    comment []

"Weblogs are a technology. Journalism is a process...the process of journalism can use the technology of weblogs to good effect."  -- comment from Bryant on Jay Rosen's post.

12:27:04 PM    comment []

Can the NYT's John Markoff be as clueless as he sounds in this interview?

Jeff Jarvis to Markoff: "Hey, fool, that's your audience talking there."

Dave Winer: "He's not listening."

Markoff should be reading Jay Rosen.

12:21:51 PM    comment []

You can view the decision by John Edwards to oppose Bush's $87 billion Iraq plan as a courageous statement of principle, or as a ploy by a presidential candidate in need of buzz, or both...or you can treat the story the way the News & Record has, by ignoring it completely.

But hey, they're covering the hell out of the golf tournament (admittedly an important local story), and they nailed the story about the guy who decorates his house all crazy-like for Halloween, so I guess I shouldn't complain. You can only fit so much news into one paper.

8:20:41 AM    comment []

Great news, unemployed textile workers! Break out the champagne, shafted shareholders! The Bush administration says conditions are improving for the textile industry.

Well, that's what they say. The News & Record headline: "Hoots greet upbeat textiles report."

Even Bush waterboy Howard Coble criticizes the report, says the N&R's Donald Patterson: "I am reluctant to talk about this because I am clearly pro-Bush administration. But as far as textiles is concerned, they just don't get it. ... As you can tell, I am frustrated and running out of patience."

8:05:12 AM    comment []