Saturday, October 25, 2003

Elizabeth Edwards: "(P)eople 'on the ground'  have the best handle on the issues that matter; when they post comments, they often let John know what their concerns are."

7:19:07 PM    comment []

Comments are one of the most important measures of a campaign blog's vitality -- commenters are bloggers, says Dean blogger-in-chief Matt Gross, and comments are part of the interactivity that makes the Web something more than a new kind of TV.

Judged thusly, the Edwards blog is enjoying a surge after its redesign, sometimes breaking into triple digits on its comment counters. That still lags Clark and Dean, who routinely log hundreds of comments on given posts. Kerry's site runs hot and cold, sometimes getting lots of comments, sometimes awkwardly few -- Edwards' blog seems to have more momentum.

The Bush-Cheney blog is stuck at zero comments -- there is no comment function there.

Lieberman does not seem to have a blog at all, but his website does refer to him as "Joe" a lot, which they may think is the same thing. Gephardt appears to be blogless, too.

10:41:28 AM    comment []