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Wednesday, October 05, 2005 |
City Manager job filled? That's my guess. From a City press release: "Greensboro City Council members will hold a press conference to make an announcement regarding the future leadership of Greensboro." Tomorrow, 9 AM, Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Office Building, 300 West Washington Street. "All media are invited to attend." Bloggers included, I presume. 7:04:17 PM permalink ![]() |
Preparing for a big conference is a lot of work. Sue is doing much of it. Nice schwag we gots, huh? 5:57:46 PM permalink ![]() |
Audio of Truth & Rec hearings, round 3. N&R hosting of these files = good journalism. 3:32:26 PM permalink ![]() |
Jordan Green: "What does N&R have against the truth process?" The Yes Weekly piece cites chapter and verse. It may be harder to deflect than my own angry blog post on the same subject. 2:07:48 PM permalink ![]() |
Lenslinger: "If you saw the line of brightly-attired strangers loitering along Greene Street this morning and wondered when the Marriott booked the Body Glitter Convention, relax - it's just day two of the American Idol auditions. The hopefuls arrived early. Before the sun even rose above the Gate City, they emerged from the mist - lacquered, coiffed, and more than a little starry-eyed." Read the whole thing...pics, too. 12:56:45 PM permalink ![]() |
Bloomberg: "White House Counsel Harriet Miers's backers are stressing her evangelical Christian faith in urging skeptical conservatives to support her U.S. Supreme Court nomination." Distinguished jurist? Nope. Constitutional scholar? Sorry. Goes to the right church? Bingo. Here's an unapologetic example: "If she were not a committed born again Christian, we would need to know much more about her, and the hysterical right would be 100% correct in our concerns." Update: US Constitution, Article VI, Clause 3: "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." 8:41:03 AM permalink ![]() |
DarkTimes review: In "All the President's Women," MoDo says Miers is the latest in a series of "self-sacrificing, buttoned-up nannies serving as adoring work wives, catering to W.'s every political, legal and ego-affirming need." Condi and Karen Hughes make the list. Weak link to Barbara B's mothering style, overreach for Desperate Housewives reference, strong kicker: "W. is asking for a triple leap of faith. He has faith in Ms. Miers as his lawyer and as a woman who shares his faith. And we're expected to have faith in his faith and her faith, and her opinions that derive from her faith that could change the balance of the court and affect women's rights for the next generation. "That's a little bit too much faith, isn't it?" Friedman contrasts the ethnic, religious, and gender diversity of the US Navy with an Iraqi navy dominated by Shia males. The point is that holding a multi-ethnic Iraq together is a huge challenge. Caution: contains tortured metaphor about Sinbad and mermaids. 8:05:23 AM permalink ![]() |
Jay Rosen says WaPo has replaced NYT on his list of best US newspapers. "The Post, I believe, is our great national newspaper now; the Times is number two, with the Wall Street Journal close behind. Still a strong fleet. With a new ship in the lead perhaps it will sail to unexpected places." More: "The Web has a lot to do with it, for the Post has been bolder, more willing to experiment online, less hung up." 7:54:13 AM permalink ![]() |
Dave Winer says Google is taking its eye off the ball: "Google is repeating Alta Vista's mistake that allowed Google to become number one in search, they're diversifying into everything, and neglecting search." 7:50:39 AM permalink ![]() |
A nice look at Greensboro and its bloggers, by the talented Tom Lassiter. 12:11:09 AM permalink ![]() |