Updated: 11/26/09; 9:31:05 AM.
The Mediaburn Radio Weblog
"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Is There an Anti-Incumbent Zeitgeist?
Statement by Governor Dean on the California Recall.

"Today's recall election in California was not about Gray Davis or Arnold Schwarzenegger. This recall was about the frustration so many people are feeling about the way things are going. All across America, George Bush's massive tax cuts for the wealthy are undermining state budgets, causing cutbacks in services and increases in local property taxes. Were recalls held in every state, it's quite possible that 50 governors would find themselves paying the price for one president's ruinous national economic policies. Tonight the voters in California directed their frustration with the country's direction on their incumbent governor. Come next November, that anger might be directed at a different incumbent...in the White House."

[Blog for America]
9:32:37 PM    

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Via Economists for Dean
California Here We Come.... To commemorate California's histrionic, erâ?[oe] historic recall election, I thought it would be fitting to take a closer look at the economic picture of the less-than-golden state, and how it may affect the national economy. First, unlike many of the... [Economists for Dean]
9:24:20 PM    

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Mediaburn Refresher Post
Mediaburn refresher post on Microclark and OpenDean campaign comparison.
7:09:57 PM    

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WANTED Dead or Alive - Saddam, Osama, and White House Leaker
How is this even possible?. Bush Unsure if Name Leaker Will Be Caught: I don't get it. How can Bush think we'll find Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but doesn't believe we'll find a snitch on his own staff? [megnut]
2:34:36 PM    

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Further Focus on Grid Computing
Commentary: The next high concept--grid computing. What exactly is "grid computing"? Forrester Research expert Lou Agosta compares the big players' infrastructure and grid offerings and narrows the concept's definition. [CNET News.com - Front Door]
2:28:59 PM    

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From the Bitflux Blog
meme propagating workflow. deeje gets it right:The more I delve into weblogs, the more I appreciate that weblogs are just the latest attempt to realize Tim Berners-Lee's vision of a read-write web. While other attempts have failed to take hold, the weblog meme appears to be a brush fire that will soon catch ... [Bitflux Blog]
1:36:48 PM    

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Via the Digital Tavern
Going To Italy. Been trying to tie all loose ends and catch up on work, phone calls, email and blogging. [for the sake of clarity - The Digital Tavern]
1:25:21 PM    

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At the Starlight
A picture named lydia.jpgGood Night. Last one for tonight: General Lydia van Dyke and Commander Cliff Allister McLane having fun down at the Starlight Casino. [The Cartoonist]
1:11:55 PM    

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Trimming Bushies
It was pretty clear that Bush's original Iraq reconstruction request was an outrage to all Americans. As I predicted, the "sense"is sinking into the brains of both Republicans and Democrats. The whole war basically looks like an expensive loser, cutting into our country's well being. - G.S.

GOP calls for cuts in Iraq aid. WASHINGTON - House Republicans called on Monday for cutting $1.7 billion from President Bush's request for reconstruction aid for Iraq by trimming spending on such items as new garbage trucks and a postal ZIP code system. [Arizona Daily Star: Front Page]
2:17:21 AM    

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Bravo!..Mille Grazie
A picture named ital.jpgThe Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Italian movie posters. [The Cartoonist]
1:42:17 AM    

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'Hybrid Solar Lighting'
Hybrid lighting uses fiber optics to bring daylight inside:  "Hybrid solar lighting, which is nearly 10 times more efficient than the most affordable solar cells today, is a concept being developed at ORNL.  Jeff Muhs, who leads the research effort, notes .. "hybrid lighting uses sunlight directly," Muhs said. "Roof-mounted collectors concentrate sunlight into optical fibers that carry the light inside buildings to hybrid light fixtures that also contain electric lamps."

Control systems keep rooms at a constant lighting level by dimming the electric lights when the sunlight is bright and turning them up as clouds move in or as the sun sets. The result is a dramatic improvement over conventional approaches to bring sunlight into buildings.

The hybrid solar lighting system also overcomes a number of limitations of conventional approaches.   "Daylit buildings are comparatively more costly to design, more constrained in terms of space utility, more difficult to cool during the summer, more difficult to evenly illuminate and more likely to develop maintenance problems caused by large roof penetrations," Muhs said.

From an economic perspective, a study for Department of Energy by the Antares Group concluded that up to 1 million hybrid solar lighting systems could be in use by 2020, saving rate payers billions of dollars annually. "

[Ken Novak: Future energy]
1:38:16 AM    

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Mars et Luna
Mars was flirting with Luna again last night.

1:34:52 AM    

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Via DJ Wudi / Eclecticism
Don't ignore the youth. It's always incredible when people can stop and take the time to recognize that if you can talk to today's youth rather than at them, if you can take them seriously, and if you can tap that enthusiasm, energy, and initiative, that you can muster a force that is truly one to be reckoned with. The PB knew that at EYE, and it looks like Dean and the people at Generation Dean know it and are doing everything they can to put that boundless energy to good use, and to knock Bush on his elitist little keister in 2004. [eclecticism]
1:32:55 AM    

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Punk, Goth, Rockabilly, Skater, and Roots
Kimmy in San Bernardino has launched PunxForDean.org

No doubt about it - Kimmy is totally raising the roots and "blowing the roof off the sucker!" Check out her site.

As Mediaburners know, skaters, surfers, and boarders have always been a key feature on this e-zine and blog, (burning rad post.)
12:12:22 AM    

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