Updated: 11/26/09; 9:31:32 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Thursday, October 9, 2003

'il divino' - Divine Tech Support
"We're on a mission from God" - Elwood Blues

Images: Tech gods of BloggerCon.

TechGods: God gives life to Adam. Support for God has been provided by Angels--left to right: Dave Winer, Chris Lydon, Dan Bricklin, Bob Doyle. The cool guy down front is Scott Johnson of Feedster.
In the picture above the God of Technical Innovation swoops in from stage right, bringing new possibilities for work and play to Technically Challenged Humanity.

Support for God has been provided by BloggerCon Angels including, left to right, Dave Winer, Chris Lydon, Dan Bricklin, and Bob Doyle.

Ready to take over when any gods get tired, the cool guy in a hot shirt is Feedster's Scott Johnson.

I'd like to thank the Spirit of the Gift Economy, Dan Bricklin for all the headshots and--er, excuse me, Michelangelo's lawyers seem to have buzzed my cellphone...

Actual tech news from BloggerCon:
[Betsy Devine: Funny Ha-Ha or Funny Peculiar?]
11:22:01 PM    

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Notes on Howard Dean Debate Party
There were over 1000 Dean supporters who attended the Howard Dean Debate Watching Party at the Wyndham Hotel in downtown Phoenix. Lots of active supporters filled a large ballroom and an overflow roof patio. Howard Dean addressed the crowd after the debate.

It was impressive. Dean is gaining more recognition around these parts. In a odd way, the event had the feeling of a victory party. - G.S.
9:50:00 PM    

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Oyama and Tanzawa Ranges, From Antipixel
Pale View of Hills. Now that it's cooling down, moisture is leaving the air like the last guest of a summer party that went on too long and we're getting the first hints of the clarity that winter brings. Last night's sunset happened (as it always does) over the Õyama and Tanzawa Ranges, only now we can actually see them rather than just infer them. [Antipixel - Excerpts]
9:05:05 PM    

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Kate O'Connor: Basement Blogging in The Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix
From the Road: Phoenix, Arizona.

Hi. I hope everyone is watching the debate on CNN. I am writing this from the Dean campaign's "green room" in the basement of the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona. Even though we are in the theatre we're watching the debate on tv - just like you are. We're munching on the Arizona made food from our gift basket (it's really the Gov's gift basket, so we hope he doesn't mind when he finds out that we've eaten everything!). Well, the Gov is rebutting a comment from one of his opponents so I guess I should get back to watching . . .

[Blog for America]
8:33:07 PM    

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The Jim Moore / William Blaze Ticket
Link In.

Jim Moore has some very kind things to say about us. Thank you Jim!!! And a big welcome to all visitors from his fabulous site.

While on his site make sure you read this post. Its about the role of internet organization in politics and the Wesley Clark campaign specifically. Good stuff. I was actually planning on addressing it when I had more time. For now a quick note:

Its not about top down vs. bottom up, its about top down and bottom up working together.

More soon.

[Abstract Dynamics]
8:27:46 PM    

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1500+ Rally in People-Powered Arizona
More than 1,500 at the People-Powered Debate Rally!.

Generation Dean's Tony Cani, who introduced Governor Dean at the People-Powered Debate Rally in Arizona a short while ago, reports that more than 1,500 Dean supporters turned out to rally before tonight's debate in Phoenix.

He'll have a fuller report and some photos later. Don't forget to tune into CNN for the debate -- it starts at 8 PM Eastern.

[Blog for America]
4:16:24 PM    

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On the FCC
BusinessWeek: So Much for Michael Powell's Net Vision. The unraveling of FCC Michael Powell's grand plan for the Internet continued on Oct. 6 with a ruling from a U.S. court in San Francisco. A three-judge panel on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found unanimously that cable-TV companies should allow competing ISPs to sell Web access over broadband cable networks. [Tomalak's Realm]
4:12:52 PM    

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Howard Dean - From Phoenix, AZ
Response to President Bush's Speech.

PHOENIX, AZ--Governor Dean, M.D., issued the following statement today in response to President Bush's speech in New Hampshire today:

"Never have we had a president in this country whose rhetoric was so far removed from his record. This administration is determined to cling to its right-wing, ideological theories despite what the facts are. It clings to its theory of supply-side economics, despite the fact that virtually every aspect of our economy has suffered severe setbacks. It clings to its theory that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to the United States despite the President's own admission that there was no credible link between Saddam and 9/11.

"I believe that facts matter to the American people and that they will draw the same conclusions I have: this administration is not concerned with the struggles, hopes and dreams of ordinary Americans. Its loyalty is to its special interest contributors and to an extreme ideology that wants to dissolve the social contract between them and their government.

"The truth is:

"Over three million Americans have lost their jobs.

"Nearly two million more Americans entered poverty last year.

"44 million Americans -- one in seven -- lack health insurance.

"No weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq.

"184 Americans have been killed since the president declared the war in Iraq over.

"The fact is that this President has given us a stagnant economy at home and a quagmire abroad without any end in sight.

"The fact is that the only Americans who have been asked to sacrifice for the war on terror and the war against Iraq are the brave young soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines on the ground. This president refuses to ask his wealthy contributors to make any sacrifice at all -- instead seeking to reward them with more tax cuts.

"Most incredibly, he continues to claim that he is not passing the burden on to future generations when he is saddling Americans with an unconscionable debt burden. This administration's policies -- including its reckless tax cuts -- will add nine trillion dollars to the national debt.

"Americans expect and deserve change from the politics of the past that has gotten America so badly off track. That is why nearly half a million Americans have joined our campaign to take this country back and to restore our democracy, our economy, our freedoms, and our moral standing in the world. If millions more stand with us, we can begin to change America for the better."

[Blog for America]
3:50:31 PM    

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Via Dean Independents
Independent Democrats. Are you an Independent (or Republican) who is "uncomfortable" with Bush but still can't bring yourself to get involved with a Democratic candidate? Still cynical when you hear the phrase "take our country back?" Take a look at Dan Conley's... [Dean Independents]
11:50:54 AM    

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GenDean in AZ
Rally and Debate in AZ Tonight. Tony Cani wrote to you in the wee hours of the morning about the rally and debate in Arizona tonight. Of the 9 presidential candidates attending the debate tonight, Governor Dean is the only one to campaign in the state... [Generation Dean]
11:37:12 AM    

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