Updated: 11/27/09; 8:30:13 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Friday, May 13, 2005

Joshua Tree Music Festival
Joshua Tree Music Festival - presenting nationally recognized recording artists from the funk, folk, .... Joshua Tree Music Festival - presenting nationally recognized recording artists from the funk, folk, jazz, bluegrass, americana, jam, and mystic world beat genres as well as local artists from the burgeoning Joshua Tree music scene [allrecordlabels.com - Weblog: what's new in music on the web]
7:18:15 AM    

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Proposition 100 in Flagstaff, AZ
Always Poor Taste. Always..


Campaign ads bankrolled by Wal-Mart and depicting a Nazi-era book burning are offensive and backhanded, say some Flagstaff citizens and veterans.

Backers contend they are a justified reminder of the need to protect freedoms.

The newspaper ads contend that Proposition 100's restrictions on big-box retailers are an infringement of constitutional freedoms. The message has been conveyed through a blurred photo of a Nazi book-burning taken from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum archives and a close-up of a person's mouth covered with tape.

Accompanying the ads is the statement: "Freedoms worth keeping," and references to the proposition as limiting choice.

Shopping is not the equivalent of freedom, and zoning laws are a far friggin cry from genocide.

[Mathew Gross - Deride and Conquer]
7:09:48 AM    

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