Introducing the Photoblog. Here's something fun for all you fine feathered friends of who may have a camera phone (or even a digital camera) -- introducing the brand new Photoblog!
This thing is pretty easy.
If you take a photo from your phone, e-mail it to donewaiting.pix[at] and enter the name of the band in the title and any other information in the body (along with the picture). You can also send short videos (25 meg max), too.
On top of that, if you don't have a camera phone, you can just send the photos from your regular e-mail account. Just attach it with all of the above information.
With all the people reading this site, I think we can put together a nice little page of photos around the world.
Also! Don't forget's standard photo gallery, with photos taken by our Lead Photographer Kim Rottmayer -- there's some good ones here!
I learned about this site from my little sister, who has somehow become one of the most popular personal moblogs on their site. She's so crazy. [ :: music commentary]
4:41:15 PM