5-19-05 Adam Curry's Podshow on Sirius
Podshow on Sirius PSS-2005-05-19-2. I've been receiving lots of email, submissions and requests for and about the Podshow on Sirius.
We're in our first full week and P-Dub and I have worked out most of the kinks in the production system.
Quite a lot of bits to look after as it pertains to what airs when,
rotation and repeats. Most of this is automated, but there's still a
fair amount of good old fashioned scheduling done by hand/ear.
What's interesting is that my Daily Source Code
showprep now comes from the podcasts that are on the Podshow, I always
listened to a lot of podcasts, that number seems to have tripled!
What's really working well are the promos podcasters are sending in. The podsafe music submissions are heating up as well.
Unlike a personality based radio show, this program is completely
filled daily with podcasts, promos, podsafe music and mashups. I'm
there to tie all the elements together. Much like DSC, only much less
Adam :)
The daily shownotes are still a problem, first of all we're working on
converting logs from our playout system, secondly and most important, is
the lack of good information in the ID3 tags.
The better use we make of them, the easier it will be for those 'just
tuning in' to find the podcast they heard online and subscribe. Once we
see more mp3's with full ID3 tags, we can start utilizing RDS
capabilities, so your podcast url can be seen on the display of the
satellite receiver.
Here's a link to the second hour as it will be broadcast today.
1. Stickit
2. Pocast_Open
3. Mashup: Another one by DJ BC called "Teach" it features Crosby Stills
& Nash vs. Tony Rebel
4. The Riddle
5. Promo Time
6. Promo: Voices From The Vault promo
7. Safety Council Message
8. Podsafe: "Porcupine" by the Falling Wallendas - "Considered by some
rock critics to be one of the best unsung alternapop bands in the country.
They have a reputation for being strangely beautiful and, well, just strange."
another garageband.com band.
9. Podsafe: "Adrenaline" by Nick Johansen - "Nick Johansen is a
singer/songwriter from Ottawa, Canada. He has just finished his upcoming
release produced by Leslie Howe for Mad Cow Music, and he and his band are
playing local venues and gearing up for showcases to record labels.
10. Podsafe: "Everywhere I Go" by Buffygirl - Buffy is a Boston-based
singer songwriter. She's still working on her first CD. If the rest of it
is as tight as this song it will be well worth buying. Sort of a laid back
funky groove.
11. Podcast_Sweep09_05_16
12. Podcast: "Family Reviews" This show they review the Lemony Snicket
13. Podcast: "The Catholic Insider" Part one of his Star Wars
14. Podcast: "Podcheck Weekly Review" - Scott Fletcher reviews the prior
weeks podcasting news.
- Submit yer stuff:
- submit[at]podshow.com
- podsafe[at]podshow.com
- mashup[at]podshow.com
[Adam Curry: Daily Source Code]
7:37:08 AM