Updated: 11/27/09; 8:49:19 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Monday, September 19, 2005

The Eyezzz Have It
Vent Haven....or HELL?!.

Given my well-documented fascination with creepy ventriloquist dummies, I can't figure out why I haven't run across the Vent Haven Museum before.

Vent Haven was founded by Cincinnati native William Shakespeare Berger, president of the International Brotherhood of Ventriloquists from 1940 to 1960. Berger's collection includes almost 700 "figures" (don't call them dummies) and every year more than 400 ventriloquists come from all over the world to attend the Vent Haven ConVENTion (terrifying monkey dummy not included).

The museum's online collection features lots of disturbing galleries of old photographs, plus audio and video clips. But for my money, the Figure of the Month gallery really pumps some serious nightmare fuel into my tank. Dunno about you, but I think I'd have to drive a stake through Junior's little wooden heart and set him on fire before I could go to sleep at night. It's the eyes, man! They're watching me. They're staring into my sooooulll!!!!

The EyEzzzzz!!!!

[Eye of the Goof]
9:20:42 PM    

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Top Ten Trailers
This week, top ten movie trailers.


You can find this list each week here.

Seems ripe for OPML.  People love to play these things..

[Jim Moore's cybernetics, politics, emergence, etc.]
7:18:20 AM    

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Writings by R. MacManus, the Father of Web 2.0
Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: Mars and Venus?. Kendall Clark from XML.com posted an interesting article called Web 2.0 Meet the Semantic Web. In it he talks about a new technology called SPARQL, which is an RDF query language and protocol. It's apparently an SQL for the Semantic Web. Kendall's post proposes that Web 2.0 be "wrapped, morphed, or bridged on to RDF", [...] [Web 2.0 Explorer]
7:01:57 AM    

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CNET News.com
Podcasts, Internet radio come to Sprint phones. Sprint handsets can double as music players under a new subscription service that Real and the mobile company plan to debut. [CNET News.com]
6:43:50 AM    

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Mr. Winston Churchill in New Orleans
Reunions And Reconciliations..... Churchill, my little man..

I am ecstatic! I was reunited today with my "Little Man", Mr. Winston Churchill. I can't believe I was able to find him in the sea of lost animals, abandoned animals and strays that were victims of Katrina! This is huge for me. He and I have been through so much the last 5 years. I adopted him when he was small enough to fit behind the stove, under the fridge and in my combat boots (He got stuck there once for a whole day!). Now he's much, umm, errr, healthier.....

As I mentioned in my last post, I was able to locate him thanks to petfinder.com, a database for displaced animals. I recommend that anyone who has lost their pet due to this tragedy look there, and most important, don't give up hope.

The kindness of strangers has amazed me over the last couple of weeks. I had no idea I would be away from my house as long as I have been, and I know I am not alone for feeling that way. Once I realized that returning would not be possible for some time I began flooding the sites of animal rescue organizations with pleas to rescue my cat. I was so desperate that I left my phone number on several sites, in plain view for everyone to see - something I would NEVER do otherwise. I received some really odd phone calls from crazy-cat-ladies in Iowa, Kentucky and even as far as South Africa - it was insane and humorous at the same time... However, there was one lady in Delaware who was kind enough to keep submitting my information to all of the sites, making phone calls, giving me updates, etc. If it wasn't for her I doubt the reunion would have taken place. There are many others out there like her who are giving everything they have to help others, and this is something the news rarely focuses on. I can't thank them enough!

In other news, its been a rough day. I had Paul update earlier because I couldnt put into words how I felt. I am struggling even as I write this. We took a short walk through the Central Business District earlier to get some sun, and I didn't even recognize my own city. Sure, I knew where things were located, and most of them were still there, but there was an eerie feeling of loneliness that I never thought possible in such a vibrant city as New Orleans. I have lived here for 10 years, and could never have imagined the destruction I saw and smelled today. Smelled, yes. The new reports can't even begin to convey the stench. I thought I was going to throw up at one point it was so bad. I would almost go so far as to say it was traumatic. And to think that they even "cleaned up" for the President visited last week when he toured the area!

On a lighter (or is it liter?) note, I have been a busy little bee today! We cleared out the big desks from the NOC so the contractors can replace the windows this week. Paul did most of the work while I cleaned up and carted stuff away. I think I took 5 large loads of trash down to the compactor today. You would be amazed at the amount of trash a crew of 3-4 people over the course of 3 weeks can make! I also cleaned the kitchen in the NOC, reorganized the office and tidied up my own office, as it was getting hard to move around with clutter everywhere. There was also a web of 15 extension cords in the hallway that were used to power lights, fans and other electrical neccessities when the building was without power. It took me 2 hours to untangle and make some sense of them. Regardless, I feel like we accomplished a lot today.

Thanks to Shane again for a delicious meal! I am concerned that we may not know how to eat once he leaves tomorrow. We will surely miss him. Also, while Id love to make Churchill our official mascot, I don't think he would be too happy staying in the office (although he does love the floor to ceiling windows!), so Shane's mom, who I've never met, is going to adopt him for a while until I can find a new place to stay. Again, the kindness of strangers prevails! [The Interdictor]
6:40:20 AM    

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