Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Free at last, free at last...

Party in Basra. Liberated Iraqis in Basra discuss the past with a member of Saddam's Fedayeen goon squad. Perhaps this helps explain... [Richard Bennett's Omphalos]

Nicely put. Follow link to see picture for clarification.

7:51:23 PM   

Honest! The Iraqi Minister of Information did it!...

Iraqi Minister Of Information. I suggest the adoption of the the concept of 'Iraqi Minister of Information' in place of rude phrases like "bullshit" in everyday conversation. For example, if you get a car repair estimate that seems excessive, you might ask, "Where did you get those figures? From the Iraqi Minister of Information?" If you find the lamp smashed in the living room and your kids are standing around pleading ignorance, you might ask, "Well, who did break it - the Iraqi Minister... [Code The Web Socket]

7:47:26 PM   

Special Thanks...
I'm gonna have to give a big thanks to Blue Nomad software. They were nice enough to send me a new code for their Wordsmith word processor application for my Clie. What a great company. If you have a Palm it's definetely a great program. It not only offers integration with MS Office but also allows you to create and implement fonts on your Palm OS device. 
7:35:10 PM   


Rubber Bullets. garret comments on the use of rubber bullets in Oakland against anti-war protesters and dockworkers. Most people know this, but it never hurts to keep on repeating it: Rubber bullets are tools for experts to use. And even in the most expert of hands, they can kill. You aim low, because a shot to the face can leave a lasting... (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma) .. and even a fatal impression - and not just in children. These can cause a messy closed head injury when improperly used. Here... [Code The Web Socket]

To continue on with Alwin's post, there was a great special on the History Channel's Modern Marvels called "Super Guns" (See the 1pm-2pm time slot) while I was on lunch yesterday. It seems rubber bullets are actually hardended plastic and vulcanized rubber much harder than a hockey puck. Now renamed from the misnomer "non-lethal", not-as-lethal weapons are still deadly. Rubber bullets, when fired at the ground, shatter and produce sharpnel as dangersous as a handgrenade. Rubber bullets still break bones, cause internal trauma, and may even kill. It pays to pay attention.

6:35:31 AM