Friday, April 11, 2003

Thanks for telling me...

Interesting. has been moved to the desktop and now has a "Favorites" section.

11:05:54 PM   

My days are numbered...

I'm a dead man. Most likely this will be my last post. The pain I'm like to endure will be great. I'm sure it'll be a slow torturous pain. But honestly dear, your Cadbury Caramel Eggs were calling to me and they forced me to eat them.


There goes another one!

Damn those things are good. It's hard to type with caramel all over your fingers.

10:59:28 PM   

Kevin Sites captured outside Tikrit...

Kevin Sites captured and released. Kevin Sites was captured on the front lines outside Tikrit a few hours ago. He and his team were held at gunpoint, accused of espionage, fired at, interrogated, threatened with execution, then released after about a four-hour hell. All of us are relieved that he is now safe and sound. [Kevin Sites Blog]

Wow! Listen to the audio feed as Kevin recounts the ordeal live to Wolfblitzer via Videophone.

6:22:38 PM   


Wow! My Blogshares in Joe are up to $0.91 a share (ATP). That would bring predicted earnings of $385 if I decided to sell now.

Dane , on the other hand, is holding steadily at $0.34 a share (ATP). You'd think all those teenage girls visiting his site would be providing some linkage to drive his net worth up.

6:21:12 AM