Shock and awe...
Missing: Laci Peterson.... A body washed up in Richmond California today and may possibly be Laci Peterson.... [CampinGuy.Com]
I'm still in shock. Modesto is such a small town. I mean, when Chandra Levy was missing everyone knew someone who knew her, or Gary Condit. Now, after months of hanging on and hoping for the best but expecting the worst, the worst appears to have come true.
I hope the San Diego police pick Scott Peterson up before he has a chance to flee to Mexico. It is just down the road from San Diego.
Too much information...
I'm in total information overload. So I took a moment this morning to clean up my news aggregator. The first things to go: the war feeds. I'm tired of hearing about the war.
Mapping the human gene completed ahead of schedule...
Human genome finally complete. The biological code crackers uncovering the DNA blueprint for human life say the job has been finished two years early. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]
Woo hoo!
It seems the post September 11th regime (and it is one too) has stretched its long McCarthy-ist fingers into the tech industry. I remember reading the story of how this young man was arrested but then I had heard nothing more until this article.
Guilty until proven innocent. CNET News.com's Declan McCullaghchronicles the bizarre tale of an Intel engineer thrown into U.S. solitary confinement for reasons that remain confidential. [CNET News.com]
Makes me wonder if I can be arrested for donating to the Sierra Club. They oppose Bush's plan to drill for oil in Alaska you know. I have friends who are Palestinian that I have not seen since slightly after September 11th. I wonder what's became of them.