Wednesday, April 09, 2003

TopStyle Pro...

While doing a little bit of fix-it work over at I decided to try out a CSS editor that Dane had turned me onto. I have to admit I'm pretty impressed.

Bradsoft's TopStyle Pro is a superb CSS editor. A simple interface much like the VB/J++ interface makes it easy to make changes to your code. I was thrilled it let you view your CSS in an active page in the interface and even showed what tags are supported by which browser when you selected them in the interface. Rave reviews from me.

11:13:41 PM   


The most amazing thing is going on in Baghdad. I'm watching the Live Feed from CNN as Iraqi's are attempting to topple the statue of Saddam. If I can pull off a screen capture I'll post it.

There are Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Marines everywhere around. Big crowd of people.

6:33:15 AM   

"It was a place of evil."...
Iraqis Show Journalists Secret Jail. Iraqis showed journalists a white stone jail where they claim Saddam Hussein's secret police for decades tortured inmates with beatings, mutilations, electric shocks and chemical baths. [Associated Press war headlines via
6:16:07 AM