US Reaction to European Terrorism Responses
Plenty of action among American right-wing commentators regarding European appeasement of terrorism:
Instapundit naturally has plenty of links on this subject; Victor Davis Hanson takes both Spain and Greece to task for being hypocritical about the US/NATO security umbrella, Andrew Sullivan holds forth thunderously against The Guardian while Mark Steyn tackles the Australian Police Commissioner. More here from Andrew Sullivan, and from the same writer, his Sunday Times column along similar lines.
Meanwhile, try this one for size: it wasn't ETA or Al Qaeda, but the Zionists, aided by George Bush, John Howard and the New York Times. If you explore the web site a bit further, one finds that all sorts of crimes were committed by the same suspects. Well, that's OK then, problem solved. One of the wierder corners of the web.
10:33:25 PM