Googlebombing Coble
I presume most of my readers already know about Tara Sue, who is running for Congress against Howard Coble of Coble-Berman Bill fame. If not, go read Tara Sue Takes Aim and come back.
So Tara has gotten slashdotted twice now. Nice, this is going to get her some visibility, but again in all likeliness the effect will be limited to tech circles.
What we need is for Tara to show up in Google. But not for the search term "Tara Sue Grubb" - whoever's going to type that in Google already knows her. No, she needs to show up on searches for "Howard Coble" Let's fetch something from the blogosphere bag of tricks... There. Googlebombing.
So I am calling upon you, dear readers, for participating in another memetics experiment of the noblest kind. Please copy the following link in your weblog, preferably in your blogrolling list:
Howard Coble
and ask your own readers to do the same. I'm curious to see what will happen in a couple days. I think we should aim for a place in the top 10. (Am I too ambitious?)
4:14:25 PM