Paresh Suthar's Radio Weblog
And that's all I have to say about that - Forrest Gump

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Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Microsoft buys security software upstart. The company agrees to acquire security specialist XDegrees, in a move to further the software giant's goals of improving Windows security. [CNET]
5:29:10 PM    comment []

A friend just forwarded this link to me and it's hilarious - make sure you have a sound card!
1:31:19 PM    comment []

InfoWorld : IM Planet: Presence pitched as killer corporate app

Despite the noise generated around competing architectures, Microsoft, Lotus, and Groove Networks agree that when it comes to enterprise instant messaging, presence awareness is the true "killer app" and that interoperability is a key challenge facing the industry going forward. [via Jeroen Bekkers' Groove Weblog]
1:29:18 PM    comment []

Buffered blogging

The hard part about blogging is keeping the pace. Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. That number on a calendar without corresponding link is the worst thing that can happen to a blog. So here it comes: Buffered Blogging TM (patent pending, of course). The idea is simple: have a few pre-written entries and have an automated system to post them if there are no post on a given day. Preparing a few posts in advance is easy. Automated posting shouldn't be that hard to do either in some systems (e.g. Movable Type). Probably just a bit of hacking. Or someone could provide a web service that would allow people to create a bunch of blog entries and would post them automatically using Blogger API if it would detect that there were no post that day on a given blog. [Krzysztof Kowalczyk's Weblog]

8:10:54 AM    comment []

Tyranny, Terror, and Technology.  Some thoughts about the intersection between the challenges confronting business, and those confronting government and society. [Ray Ozzie's Weblog]
7:57:26 AM    comment []

Groove Smooths Connections - This eWeek article describes features that are planned for the v2.5 release of Groove.
7:55:16 AM    comment []

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